Do you give kind, generous advice to friends, but don’t you take your own advice? I fall into that category for sure – and I had moments recently when the voice in my head reminded me of that.
I tell friends to get throw money at a problem and outsource, if possible, when life becomes too busy and overwhelming. Well, I realized that I need to do that with Everyday Sabbatical’s social media and marketing. I’ve hesitated (ok, actually I’ve been defiant) because social media and marketing firms are pricey and fairly formulaic. BUT I need to get over it because not doing anything is worse.
When friends are self-critical, I ask them if they would ever say that to me or any other friend. “No” is almost always the answer. Why are we so awful to ourselves when we would never say those same things, that run through our head, to friends? I’ve had to check-in on this too – as my inner voice is critical and feels guilty for not moving Everyday Sabbatical forward fast enough.
What’s a piece of advice that you give - and should also take?